My Outrageous Rules

My Outrageous Rules

My rules for me start with my mascara! :-)

While I’m waiting for Mr. Wonderful to find me online... I know I can look for him too, but right now that feels like a lot of work!  Re-reading that sentence above I realize I don't sound very excited about online dating.  I really must work on my attitude! :-)

However, for now, I’d like to focus on some “rules” I have for living my life.  They have served me well for most of my life.  Hopefully there will be a useful tidbit or two, for some of you.

My Outrageous Rules for me, start with my mascara! 

1.      My #1 Rule is:  I never leave the house without wearing mascara!  It doesn’t matter if I don’t have on any blush, or lipstick, etc.  If I don’t have mascara on I feel naked.  So, there are many days where my “get ready to go out in public” routine takes less than a minute to apply.

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2.      Must love your haircut/style.  I recently got my hair cut.  I was lamenting to friends that I thought it looked like the hairdresser had put a bowl on my head and cut around it.  Not one person agreed with me.  Each one loved the cut!  I finally accepted what my friends were telling me and now I love my new hair style too.  Sometimes we are not the best judge of what looks good on us.

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3.      Try to use humour as often as possible.  Of course, it goes without saying that the humour should be in context.  When people are smiling or laughing, they are relaxed and comfortable.  I’m not talking about telling jokes.  I am talking about making an amusing comment, or two.  Also, self deprecating humour is also fun!  Smiling people are happy and having a good time!

4.      In keeping with the theme of my blog – being a little outrageous – experiment with using a little bit of outrageousness in your humour.  If you do, and you get a laugh, do it more often.  People will enjoy your company, and you will feel better after your interaction with each other.  Feeling good is a worthwhile goal!

I’ll have more Outrageous Rules in the future.  For now, I’ve suggested a few things you can try.  Give them a go and then please share the results with the rest of us.  Also, please remember to get a new haircut once in a while. :-)



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